1. must have p.p 

~했나보다. ~했던 모양이야. ~ 했겠다.

너 진짜 배고팠나보다.

You must have been hungry.

(어제 하루종일 아무것도 못먹었어) 너 디게 배고팠겠다.

You must have been hungry.

너 진짜 짜증났겠다.

You must have been frustrated.

그가 결혼했나봐.(=그랬음에 틀림없어)

He must have got married.

2. might have p.p 

~했던 거였을수도 있어.

몸이 갑자기 안좋아졌던 것일 수도 있어.

He might have had some health problems.

~였겠다. 근데 그게 아니라면 ~였을수도 있어.

상사랑 문제가 있었나봐. 근데 그게 아니라면 몸이 갑자기 안좋아졌던 것일 수도 있고.

He must've had some problems with her boss. Either that or, he might have had some health problems.

3. should have p.p 

~했어야만 했는데...(아쉬움)

내가 그를 신뢰했어야 했는데... 그때는 그가 이해되지 않았어.

I should have trusted him, but I didn't understand him at that time.

4. could have p.p 

~할 수도 있었어(아쉬움)

내가 버스를 놓치지 않았으면, 회사에 정시에 도착할 수 있었어.

If I had not missed the bus, I could have arrived at work on time.

could not have p.p 

~했을리가 없어

걔가 일이 질려서 그랬을리가 없어.

He could not have been because he was sick and tired of his job.

제 친구들 중 하나가요. 최근에 일을 그만뒀어요.

글쎄요. 상사랑 문제가 좀 있었나보죠?

그게 아니라면 몸이 갑자기 안좋아졌던 것일 수도 있구요.

어쨌든(어느쪽이든 간에). 걔가 그 일이 질려서 그랬을리가 없어요.

One of my friends recently quit her job.

I don't know, she must've had some problems with her boss.

Either that or, he might have had some health problems.

Either way, he could not have been because he was sick and tired of his job.

~해서 그래.

It's because ~~~ 

더워서 그래.

It's because it's hot.

피곤해서 그래.

It's because it's tried.

출처 : https://youtu.be/uayzRS-3hFs

when it comes to 명사

~에 있어서는, ~에 관해서는

살을 빼는 것에 있어서 자신에게 맞는 방법이 무엇인지를 이해하는 것이 중요하다고 생각합니다.

When it comes to losing weight, I think it's important to understand what works for me.

영어에 관해서는 전 자신 있어요.

When it comes to English, I'm confident.

'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Business Expression 1] Email  (0) 2018.04.14
일부러 그런 것도 아니잖아요. 마음에 담아두지 마세요.  (0) 2018.04.06
[5] 욕하다  (0) 2018.04.06
[5] 나도 모르게  (0) 2018.04.05
[5] ~ 좀 안하시면 안될까요?  (0) 2018.04.05
[3] ~해도 소용없어  (0) 2018.03.22
[3] 집착하다  (0) 2018.03.20
[2] ~라고 생각하면 되는거죠?  (0) 2018.03.18
[2] 화풀이하다  (0) 2018.03.18
[2] 역효과나다  (0) 2018.03.15


메인에 딱!!!


'끄적끄적' 카테고리의 다른 글

4개월간의 다이어트  (0) 2018.07.11
꾸준함  (0) 2018.05.29
나와의 대화  (0) 2018.04.16
Rome was not bulit in a day.  (0) 2018.03.22
미래  (0) 2018.03.19
모든 실타래가 풀렸다  (0) 2018.03.01
가슴이 뛴다  (0) 2018.02.21
2018年の目標  (0) 2018.02.18
끄적끄적  (0) 2018.02.16
Reset  (0) 2014.09.09

~해도 소용없어.

There/It is no use~ing(회화체)

There is no point ~ing(비지니스 체)

울어도 소용없어.

It is no use crying.

후회해도 소용없어.

It is no use regretting.

그에게 전화해도 소용없어.

It is no use sending a message to him.

술을 마셔도 소용없어.

It is no use drinking.


3. 최상급

가장, 최고, 제일

The ~est, The most

사람들은 제가 제일 행복한 사람이라고 말합니다.

People say that I'm the happiest person.

하지만 떄때로 내가 이 세상에서 제일 슬픈 사람 같아요.

But sometimes, I think that I'm the saddest person in the world.

가장 중요한 것 중의 하나는 내가 원하는 것을 하는 것이죠.

One of the most important things is to do what I want.

그게 가장 소중한 건 아니에요.

It's not the most valuable thing.

그건 내가 지금까지 쳤던 시험 중에서 가장 어려웠어요.

It was most difficult test that I've taken ever.

~보다 ~한 것은 없다.

Nothing is 비교급  than 명사/동명사

친구들보다 더 소중한 것은 없었지. 하지만 지금은 가족보다 중요한 것은 없다.

Nothing was more precious than my friends. But now, nothing is more precious than my family.

우리 언니에게 취업보다 더 중요한 것은 없다.

Nothing is more important than getting a job to my sister.

건강만큼 중요한 것은 없어요. 건강을 챙기세요.

Nothing is more important than health. Please take care of yourself.


2. 비교급:

~보다 ~ 한

~er than , more ~than

토익이 토플보다 더 지루해.

TOEFL is more boring than TOEIC.

삼성폰이 아이폰보다 더 헷갈려.

Samsung Cellphone is more confusing than an I-Phone.

이 노래는 제가 생각했던 것보다 감동적이네요.

This song is more touching than I thought.

그 영화는 남자친구가 언급했던 것 보다 더 지루합니다.

The movie is more boring than my boyfriend mentioned.

그녀는 나보다 더 열정적이에요.

She is more passionate than me.

그 수업은 제가 생각했던 것보다 쉬웠어요.

The class was easier than I thought.

그는 나보다 세살 어려요.

He is 3 years younger than me.

여가 시간을 자기계발에 좀 더 효율적으로 쓰고 싶긴 하지만, 시간이 나면 아무것도 하기 싫어져.

I want to spend my spare time improving myself more efficiently, but when I have free time, I'm no mood for doing anything.

모든 건 하루아침에 이루어지지 않는다.

길을 가다가 갑자기 외국인을 만나서 쏼라쏼라~ 영어가 술술 나오다던지,

먹고 싶은거 다 먹었는데도 날씬함을 유지한다던지.

노력없이 이루어지는 건 아무것도 없다.

이미 이루어 낸 사람들은 지루하고 따분하고 힘들었던 과정이 있었기에 지금의 멋진 그들이 있는 것이다.

나도 그렇게 할 것이고, 그렇게 될 것이다.

지.덕.체를 겸비한 여성이 되기 위해!

그리고 기준은 나 자신이다.

누구와도 비교하지 않고 오롯이 나의 만족을 위해!

모든게 다 잘 될 것 같은 기분이 든다.

앞으로 모든일이 다 잘되고 내 중심으로 돌아가게 될 것이다.

난 믿는다. ^^

'끄적끄적' 카테고리의 다른 글

4개월간의 다이어트  (0) 2018.07.11
꾸준함  (0) 2018.05.29
나와의 대화  (0) 2018.04.16
바이크 매거진  (0) 2018.03.23
미래  (0) 2018.03.19
모든 실타래가 풀렸다  (0) 2018.03.01
가슴이 뛴다  (0) 2018.02.21
2018年の目標  (0) 2018.02.18
끄적끄적  (0) 2018.02.16
Reset  (0) 2014.09.09

How to Increase Your Running Speed

Running faster makes your whole workout feel more effective. Here's how to increase your running speed.

빠르게 뛰는 것은 너의 전체 운동을 더욱 더 효율적이게 느끼게 해준다. 러닝 스피드를 향상시키기 위한 방법이 여기 있다.
woman stretching after a speed building run

Any runner will tell you there’s a difference between running and running fast—for good reason. Whether you’re a beginner to running workouts or an avid marathoner, running faster contributes to better motivation as a whole. Slow and steady may win the race, but sprinting to the finish line sure feels good. Check out our best tips for how to increase your speed as a runner.

어떤 러너는 너에게 그냥 달리는 것과 빠르게 달리는 것에 차이가 있다고 말할 것이다. - 좋은 이유로. 너가 달리기를 시작한 초보자이든 마라토너이든 빠르게 뛰는 것은 전반적으로 더 나은 동기부여를 선사한다. 천천히 그리고 꾸준히는 경기를 이기게 할 수 있지만, 결승선에서 스프린팅은 확실히 좋다. 러너로써 스피드를 향상시키는 좋은 방법에 대해 알아보자.

Practice good form.

“Form can greatly affect the way you run and the speed you can maintain,” says Aaptiv trainer Rochelle Moncourtois. “Try to always relax your shoulders, relax in your strides, and gently lean forward in your form. You will notice how much lighter your legs and feet become. Relaxing in your running gait prevents you from tensing up and wasting your energy for the run itself.”

While running, look forward with a tall, relaxed posture. Let your arms swing forward and back, and as you put one foot in front of the other, strike the ground with the middle of your foot under your hip. In terms of stride, many runners also focus on proper cadence—how many times your foot hits the ground per minute—with short, quick strides. Finally, don’t forget to breathe!

Incorporate intervals.

One of the best ways you can increase speed as a runner involves interval work. This includes sprints, HIIT exercises, circuits, or hills on a treadmill or outside. Intervals may assist in burning fat and increasing lung and leg strength.

You can also add run/walk intervals to a regular run (sometimes known as “fartleks”), where you sprint for a specific period of time or for a minimal distance. Another option is to do true sprints, running at your max or going from 0 to 100 within a couple seconds, and then resting in between each set.

Build a strong core.

Research indicates that core work directly impacts speed and Moncourtois couldn’t agree more. “Engaging your core stops you from overusing muscles, such as pushing and pulling forward your legs.” Doing any type of ab workout, particularly planks, is the most effective way to achieve better core strength.

Fuel your body.

This one is simple: Be sure to load up on good carbs and protein in order to have enough energy for your run. Additionally, you’ll want to stay hydrated, eat healthy snacks and time your meals properly before and after each run, so you can maximize each running workout.

Add variety and don’t forget to rest.

If you want to increase your speed as a runner, it might seem like you should focus on that goal in every single run. But, you actually want to do the exact opposite. Intentionally add speed work to your exercise routine one to two days per week, and then focus on incorporating variety and rest.

“Your goals can determine how often you should be doing speed work,” explains Moncourtois. “For example, for something like an Ironman distance, you’re training for three events and a very long duration. Instead of focusing on how much faster you can get, you have to focus more on the distance. But if you’re training for something shorter, like a 5k, that allows for more time and energy to perform more days of speed work. If you’re really wanting to become faster, I recommend two days of intense speed training, one day of hill repeats, and a day where you run very slow to build endurance.”

You can practice pacing yourself by walking quickly, jogging, and sprinting within a single run. An endurance runwill allow you to create a baseline of mileage while seeing strength gains. Also, remember to mix up your workouts with strength training to engage your glutes and legs, plus yoga and stretching, for increased flexibility, sharpened mobility, and improved balance and coordination. Finally, getting enough downtime—in the form of both sleep and rest days—serves as a well-known factor for optimal running as well as avoiding burnout as a whole.

Believe you can do it.

Getting faster will be uncomfortable, so you’ll need to mentally prepare for pushing yourself outside of your usual running comfort zone. However, challenging yourself is the only way to see results. Track your progress to help foster motivation, celebrate small wins, and be patient. You’ll get faster over time as long as you stay the course. If all else fails, rely on the Aaptiv community, your fellow workout buddies, and the Aaptiv trainers to help you along the way!

출처 : https://aaptiv.com/magazine/increase-running-speed

When I get stressed out, I usually work out.

Once I start working out,I can't think about everything.

Because I am exhausted.

When I am depressed nowadays, I run outside.

Running don't need to prepare many things.

If I have only a pare of shoes, I can run wherever.

It is a good way to work out to get rid of stress.

I can also lose weight easily after working out.

But I used to drink too much when I get stressed out.

The more I got stressed out, the fatter I got.

Drinking to get rid of stress backfired for me.

I got depressed so I took it out on people around me.

If I had known a good way, I would not try to lose weight now. :)

But I'm happy that I found out a good way to get rid of stress.

'Languages > English Writing' 카테고리의 다른 글

my mistake  (0) 2019.02.21
My new friend  (0) 2019.02.21
work-life balance  (0) 2019.02.19
2 day  (0) 2019.02.18
in Cebu  (0) 2019.02.17
[7] Going on a diet is never over.  (0) 2018.05.23
[6] I had an upset stomach for lunch.  (0) 2018.05.14
[5] After my journey  (0) 2018.05.08
[4] Do you enjoy learning foreign languages?  (0) 2018.04.19
[1] Dictation  (0) 2018.03.06

be obsessed with

1) (감정적으로)사로잡다        

2) 집착하다                        

저희 엄마 그 드라마에 완전 빠지셨어요.

My mother is obsessed with the drama.

저는 제 몸무게에 집착해요.

I'm obsessed about my weight.

저는 영어점수에 집착을 하지 않으려고 노력해요.

I try not to be obsess with English score.

그가 식탐이 있는지 없는지는 중요하지 않아요.

It's not important whether he is obsessed with food.

난 무언가를 살 때, 검은색에 집착한다.

When I buy something, I'm obsessed with black.

'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

[5] 욕하다  (0) 2018.04.06
[5] 나도 모르게  (0) 2018.04.05
[5] ~ 좀 안하시면 안될까요?  (0) 2018.04.05
[3] ~에 있어서는, ~에 관해서는  (0) 2018.03.23
[3] ~해도 소용없어  (0) 2018.03.22
[2] ~라고 생각하면 되는거죠?  (0) 2018.03.18
[2] 화풀이하다  (0) 2018.03.18
[2] 역효과나다  (0) 2018.03.15
[2] 딱히, 의외로, 아무렇지도 않게, 어쩔 수 없이, 점차  (0) 2018.03.14
[2] ~할만 하다  (0) 2018.03.13

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