S : Good Morning, teacher.

T : So, how was your long weekend?

S : Yes. I was cycling with my friends.

    It was the longest distance I was riding.

T : You can say it was the longest distance I rode.

S : It was the longest distance I rode.

T : Okay. Wow. How long was the distance? How far?

S : I rode 175km. 

T : Oh, That is far. How long did it take you?

S : Sorry. I beg your pardon?

T : How long did it take you? or time? How many hours did you ride?

S : It took about 11 hours. 

T : Oh my god. You are strong.

S : Yes. But we had lunch for noodles between riding, and then after we dropped by the lake.

    So we also ate snacks. And after riding, I also had some cakes.

T : Okay. You really wanted it. How many slices of cake did you eat?

S : I had just one cheese cake. But I couldn't understand why my friends had a little bit food.

   => My friends had a little food.

    Almost of my friend are thin. So they didn't have a lot of food while riding.

T : Oh~ 

S : I couldn't understand that.

T : Well, maybe they are already used to this. What do you think?

S : I didn't understand your question.

T : Maybe they are already used to not eating. 

S : They usually don't have a lot of food. So as time I thought. Maybe I would be a pig.

T : freak?

S : pig. P-I-G.

T : You're exercising. It won't happen. Because you're exercising. Releax.

S : I always said that I was hungry. I thought they don't like that. 

    I was wandering why they get hungry.

T : Why they don't get hungry. Well, maybe they are eating a lot at home.

    That is possible they eat a lot at home.

    But tell me julie, what did you enjoy the most in your ride?

S : After day, I also enjoy watching TV drama.

    And I saw the drama which is a title of 'Under the dome.'

    => I saw the drama entitled Under the dome.

    Do you know that?

T : Under the dome. I haven't heard of that.

    But these days drama is very popular with the title 'she is not a robot.'.

S : What's title of the drama?

T : She is not a robot.

S : She is not a robot? I haven't heard that.

T : I don't know. I haven't watched that yet, too.

S : Is the Korean drama?

T : Yes. It is an Korean drama.

S : I have heard that. Maybe the drama was watching in TV 2 or 3 years ago in Korea.

T : Okay. What did I ()? The characters are 유승호, 최수빈, 손기주.

S : But I remember that the woman was a robot, right?

T : I'm not sure. I haven't watched it yet.

    Alright. Anyway Julie. I'm really happy that (?). 

    Your time is now to relax. Thank you very much, Julie. And I'll talk to you again tomorrow.

    Thank you to. Bye.

[Teacher's Comments ]

Thank you so much for coming to class Juliee! I'm so proud that you were able to cycle for such a long distance! Don't degrade yourself by eating a little more than others. It just means that you put so much energy into it that you need to regain your strength :) 

I went on a trip to Tiwan 2 weeks ago.
It was great trip for me. After the journey, my life changed a lot.
Honestly I felt rushed before I went there. For example I thought I have to meet someone as soon as possible. And I thought everyday why I'm not an ideal person although I try hard.
But i changed.
I remember the day when I was going up a mountain. It made me exhausted. I really want to get off my bicycle. I cant see the end of the road. 
To make matters worse, it was raining cats and dogs. It was fight for myself. I didn't like to lose me. So I endured until the end. Finally I arrived at the top of the mountain, I stood 3275m from the ground.

I can do everything what that I want.
Whenever I have troubles with problems  i remember a day when I went up a mountain.

'Languages > English Writing' 카테고리의 다른 글

my mistake  (0) 2019.02.21
My new friend  (0) 2019.02.21
work-life balance  (0) 2019.02.19
2 day  (0) 2019.02.18
in Cebu  (0) 2019.02.17
[7] Going on a diet is never over.  (0) 2018.05.23
[6] I had an upset stomach for lunch.  (0) 2018.05.14
[4] Do you enjoy learning foreign languages?  (0) 2018.04.19
[3] What do you do to get rid of stress?  (0) 2018.03.20
[1] Dictation  (0) 2018.03.06

had better 동사원형       : ~하는게 낫겠다 (반말조)

had better not 동사원형  : ~하지 않는게 낫겠다. (부정문)

it would be a good idea to 동사원형 : ~ 하는 것이 좋은 생각일 것 같아요. (존댓말 : 의문문에도 사용)

집에 가는 게 낫겠다.

I had better go home.

너 남자친구랑 헤어지는게 낫겠다.

You had better break up with your boyfriend.

가방 사는게 좋은 생각일까?

Is it a good idea to buy a bag?

집에 가시는 게 나을 꺼 같아요.

It would be a good idea to go home.

would rather 동사원형       : 차라리 ~하는 게 낫겠다.

would rather A than B       : B 하느니 차라리 A하는게 낫겠다.

would rather not 동사원형  : 차라리 ~하지 않는게 낫겠다.(부정문)

would 주어 rather 동사원형 ~ ?차라리 ~하는게 나을 까? (의문문)

자는 게 낫겠다.

You would rather sleep.

공부하느니 돈을 버는 게 낫겠다.

I would rather make money than study.

학교에 입학하느니 일을 하는게 낫겠다.

I would rather work than enter school.

차라리 아무 말도 하지 않겠다.

I would rather not say.

'Languages > English Grammer' 카테고리의 다른 글

Should 도치 : 만약에 그럴일은 없겠지만 ~ 라면  (0) 2018.08.13
5형식  (0) 2018.07.17
관계대명사  (0) 2018.06.19
관계대명사 what  (0) 2018.05.29
that 구별  (0) 2018.05.12
조동사  (0) 2018.04.30
시제(3. 과거완료/ 미래완료)  (0) 2018.04.14
시제(2. 현재완료/ 진행완료)  (0) 2018.04.06
시제(1. 현재/과거/미래)  (0) 2018.04.05
[should/ must / might have p.p]  (0) 2018.03.23

there are days(times) when S + V : ~할 날이 있다. ~할 때가 있다.

모든 것을 내려놓고 사라지고 싶을 때가 있어요. 저도 제가 최선을 다해야만 하는 것을 알지만 때때로 아무것도 하고 싶지 않아요.

There are days when I want to drop everything and disappear. I know I should do my best, but sometimes I don't want to do anything.

나도 모르게 울고 싶을 때가 있어요.

There are days when I want to cry without knowing it.

혼자 있고 싶을 때가 있어요.

There are days when I want to be alone.

stress + 명사 / stress that S + V : ~을 강조하다

저는 이것이 저희의 실수가 아니라는 것을 강조하고 싶습니다.

I would like to stress that this is not our mistake.

이것은 저희의 잘못이 아니라는 것을 강조하고 싶어요.

I would like to stress that this is not our fault.

'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

[8] 요지를 파악하다  (0) 2018.05.12
다른 사람에게 휘둘리다.  (0) 2018.05.12
왈가왈부 하다. 호들갑 떨다. 유난떨다.  (0) 2018.05.12
[8] 나이 차이 나다  (0) 2018.05.12
~할 때가 있다  (0) 2018.04.30
[7] 깊숙이 개입하다  (0) 2018.04.30
[6] 끝까지 추적하다. ~을 보충하다  (0) 2018.04.19
무리하다  (0) 2018.04.19
[6] 만성 피로  (0) 2018.04.17
[Business Expression 1] Email  (0) 2018.04.14

get(be) involved in 사람/단체/프로젝트 이름 : ~에 개입하다, 관여하다

부모님은 내 살멩 깊에 관여되어 있다.

My parents get deeply involved in my life.

그 모임에 깊이 빠지지마.

Don't get deeply involved in the gathering.

저는 우리 팀사람들에게 깊게 관여하고 싶지 않아요.

I don't want to get deeply involved in our team members.

1. 가정법 과거 완료에서 따온 숙어들

~임에 틀림없어(강한 추측)

must have p.p 

그는 마감남자를 잊은 게 틀림없어.

He must have forgotten the deadline.

~했어야 했는데

should have p.p 

그에게 문자보내지 말았어야 했는데

I shouldn't have sent a message to him.

~할 수도 있었을 텐데

could have p.p 

제가 도전을 할 수도 있었을텐데... 그때는 모든 것이 두려웠어요.

I could have challenged but I was scared of everything at the time.

~했었을지도 모르지

might have p.p 

그가 전화를 못받았았던 건 바빠서 그랬을지도 모르지.

He didn't answer my call. He might have been busy.

어쩌면 결혼했을지도 모르죠.

I might have got married.

제가 결혼을 했었을지도 모르죠. 하지만 되돌아보면 저는 똑같은 선택을 했을 것 같아요.

I might have got married. Looking back, I would make the same decision.


would have p.p 

그가 너를 도와줬을 텐데

He would have helped you.

2. 조동사

2-1. could(~할수도 있어) : 미래의 능력, 가능성

당신을 도와드릴 수 있을 것 같아요. 내일 전화 드릴께요.

I could help you. I'll call you tomorrow.

그가 피곤할 수도 있을 것 같아요.

He could be tired.

졸릴 수도 있겠지만 눈 뜨세요.

You could be sleepy, open your eyes.

2-2. would(~하곤 했었지) : 과거의 습관(불규칙적)

 * used to (~하곤 했었다) => 반복 규칙

나는 남자친구와 함께 인사동에서 데이트를 하곤 했었지.

I would date my boyfriend in Insadong.

나는 커피를 마시곤 했었지.(규칙적)

I used to drink coffee.

나는 아이스크림을 먹곤 했었어.(불규칙)

I would eat an ice cream.

소망, 의향(~할 것 같아요)

제가 당신을 도와드린다면 너무 좋을 것 같아요.

I would be happy to help you.

뭐 드시고 싶으세요? 커피가 좋을 것 같아요.

What do you want to drink? Coffee would be better.

겸손한 요구(~하는게 가능하세요?)

would it be possible to 동사원형~?

저를 도와주시는게 가능하세요?

Would it be possible for you to help me?

저에게 이번주 안으로 자료를 보내주시는 게 가능하세요?

Would it be possible for you to send me the material this week?

'Languages > English Grammer' 카테고리의 다른 글

5형식  (0) 2018.07.17
관계대명사  (0) 2018.06.19
관계대명사 what  (0) 2018.05.29
that 구별  (0) 2018.05.12
준 조동사(had better 동사원형, would rather 동사원형)  (0) 2018.04.30
시제(3. 과거완료/ 미래완료)  (0) 2018.04.14
시제(2. 현재완료/ 진행완료)  (0) 2018.04.06
시제(1. 현재/과거/미래)  (0) 2018.04.05
[should/ must / might have p.p]  (0) 2018.03.23
비교급(3. 최상급 The ~ est, the most 가장, 최고)  (0) 2018.03.22

I think I like learning what I will be good at.

One of my bucket list is English.

I've been jelous of those who speak English fluently since I was young.

I didn't see the need to study English when I was in school.

I also didn't like studying languages which include Korean, English and so on.

When it comes to speaking language, I thought I didn't have a talent.

So I said to me 'It was no use stduying it'.

But I was pretty happy because I've never taken this English class.

I've known the class since 5 years ago.

Now I'm excited to study English. I've been studying English for 10 months.

I hope I want to speak English as well as Japanese.

'Languages > English Writing' 카테고리의 다른 글

my mistake  (0) 2019.02.21
My new friend  (0) 2019.02.21
work-life balance  (0) 2019.02.19
2 day  (0) 2019.02.18
in Cebu  (0) 2019.02.17
[7] Going on a diet is never over.  (0) 2018.05.23
[6] I had an upset stomach for lunch.  (0) 2018.05.14
[5] After my journey  (0) 2018.05.08
[3] What do you do to get rid of stress?  (0) 2018.03.20
[1] Dictation  (0) 2018.03.06

끝까지 추적하다. ~를 보충하다

follow up on 명사

이 영수증에 대해서 보충설명 좀 해주시겠어요?

Could you please follow up on this receipt?

그 이야기 끝까지 말해봐.

You should follow up on the story.

제가 당신의 이메일을 확인했습니다. 지난주에 고객들이 저희 상품에 불만이 있었습니다. 이 문제에 대해서 보충해서 답장을 주시겠습니까?

I've checked your email. Our customers had complaints about our product last week. Could you please follow up on this problem?

'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

왈가왈부 하다. 호들갑 떨다. 유난떨다.  (0) 2018.05.12
[8] 나이 차이 나다  (0) 2018.05.12
~할 때가 있다  (0) 2018.04.30
~을 강조하다  (0) 2018.04.30
[7] 깊숙이 개입하다  (0) 2018.04.30
무리하다  (0) 2018.04.19
[6] 만성 피로  (0) 2018.04.17
[Business Expression 1] Email  (0) 2018.04.14
일부러 그런 것도 아니잖아요. 마음에 담아두지 마세요.  (0) 2018.04.06
[5] 욕하다  (0) 2018.04.06

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