go out of one's way 무리하다

무리하면서 집을 사고 싶지는 않아요.

I don't want to go out of my way to buy a house.

어학연수 가느라 무리하고 싶지 않아요.

I don't want to go out of my way to study overseas.

무리해서 그렇게 하지 마세요.

Don't go out of your way to do that.

한국의 부모들은 그들의 자녀에게 최고의 교육을 제공하려고 무리한다.

Korean parents go out of their way to provide the best academic assistance to their children.

'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

[8] 나이 차이 나다  (0) 2018.05.12
~할 때가 있다  (0) 2018.04.30
~을 강조하다  (0) 2018.04.30
[7] 깊숙이 개입하다  (0) 2018.04.30
[6] 끝까지 추적하다. ~을 보충하다  (0) 2018.04.19
[6] 만성 피로  (0) 2018.04.17
[Business Expression 1] Email  (0) 2018.04.14
일부러 그런 것도 아니잖아요. 마음에 담아두지 마세요.  (0) 2018.04.06
[5] 욕하다  (0) 2018.04.06
[5] 나도 모르게  (0) 2018.04.05

만성 두통으로 고생하다.

suffer from chronic headache

난 작년에 만성 두통으로 고생을 했었다. 스트레스 받는 직업이어서 그랬던 것 같다.

I suffered from chronic headache last year. I thought my job was stressful.

연휴 후유증

holiday hangover

난 연휴 후유증을 겪고 있어.

I suffer from holiday hangover.

만성피로를 겪고 있어요?

Do you suffer from chronic fatigue?

연휴 후유증을 극복하고 싶어.

I want to overcome holiday hangover.

'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

~할 때가 있다  (0) 2018.04.30
~을 강조하다  (0) 2018.04.30
[7] 깊숙이 개입하다  (0) 2018.04.30
[6] 끝까지 추적하다. ~을 보충하다  (0) 2018.04.19
무리하다  (0) 2018.04.19
[Business Expression 1] Email  (0) 2018.04.14
일부러 그런 것도 아니잖아요. 마음에 담아두지 마세요.  (0) 2018.04.06
[5] 욕하다  (0) 2018.04.06
[5] 나도 모르게  (0) 2018.04.05
[5] ~ 좀 안하시면 안될까요?  (0) 2018.04.05

S : Hello.

T : Hi, Julie. Good morning.

S : Hi, teacher. Good morning.

T : Well. Happy Tuesday. And long time no talk.

S : Yes. Long time no see. How was your weekend?

T : My pretty busy. I had to clean a lot. How about yours?

S : Me too. I went to the hair shop to perm my hair. And it was good for me. I felt better.

   -> I went to the hair shop to have my hair cut and permed.

T : Prettier too. That's nice. I hope to see you really.

    By the way, Julie. you had your hair permed,right?

S : Yes.I had my hair cut.

T : Cut and permed.

S : I had my hair permed and cut.

T : Can you try to describe to me was your hair looks like now?

S : I had a long hair. Last week I had my hair colored with brown.

    And I had my hair cut and permed, because my hair was not soft.

    ->My hair was frizzy.

    I need to have my hair nutrition.

T : I have to give my hair a nutrition or nutrition.

S : I need to give my hair a nutrition.

T : No A. You do not need the article A.

S : I need to give my hair nutrition.

T : Okay. That's better.

    That's good. I know that your hair looks better now.

    So anyway I hope you're really happy. They'll be beautiful.

    Today we will continue your topic lesson number 3. Let's then try.

    When was the last time you have dinner with your famliy? What did you talk about?

S : I spent some time with my family two months ago, because we had to see my father.

    -> We had to visit my father's grave.

    Unfortunately, he passed away. Two months ago we had his birthday to celebrate. We were together to see him.

    When we went there, we said hello to him for ourselves.

    Now we are not sad. It's okay for us.

    And then We had dinner with my family, we went to the mall. 

    There were crowed with so many people. We were very tired. So we decided not to go there again.

    -> The place was crowded with people.

T : That is in the mall, right?

S : The mall was a very big just like SM mall in Philippines.

T : The SM here in my city is really small.

S : Really? When I was in Univercity, I went to Philippines to study English just for one month.

T : Which or what place?

S : I stayed in Manila. Because my uncle worked there for 4 years. 

  -> My uncle has been working there for 4 years.

    So when I was in Univiersity school, I went there.

T : SM mall in Manila that's really big. But my city is cute.

S : Really? Where do you live now?

T : I'am living in Bagio.

S : I heard that.

T : Maybe oneday you can visit our city.

S : I really want to go there. I heard that Bagio's weather is very good and very cool and not hot.

T : What's that?

S : I heard that it's not hot.

T : Sometimes it's really cold, so that's my problems.

    You did very well for your sentences were good.

    Did you see your father or did you visit his grave?

S : Sorry. I beg your pardon?

T : I wrote down some alternative, check them out. You did very well.

S : I'm schedule to go to Taiwan next week to cylcle. Unfortunately I can't attend my class next week.

T : You can just put them on hold.

S : But I want to keep up with my class. What sholud I do?

T : We can still have classes if you want it in Taiwan. Thank you so much Julie. Bye Bye.

지금껏 진지하게 나와의 대화를 해본적이 별로 없었던 것 같다.

이런저런 글을 읽다가 문득 '나에 대해' 생각해보기로 했는데, 나란 사람 참 이래저래 문제가 많았더라.

물론 사람이란 모두 완벽할 순 없지만, 남은 인생을 좀 더 멋지게 살려면 나와의 적당한 타협도 필요하겠다란 생각이 들었다.

자기애도 강하고, 

자존심도 쎄고,

막내 같지 않은 나 (라고는 말해도 겪어보면 진짜 너무나도 제멋대로인 나)

뭐, 아직 인연을 못만난거야 (그건 나에게도 책임이 있어)


열심히 하는거. 

내가 참 잘하는 것이다.

그놈의 승부욕으로 남들보다 지는거 싫어서 경쟁을 붙여놓으면 기를 쓰고 꼭 이기고야 만다.

근데 문제는...

나 자신과의 싸움에서 별로 이겨본 적이 없다는 것.

어제의 나, 작년의 나, 10년전의 나를 넘지 못하고 계속 제자리라는 것.

겉모습, 지식 보다 가장 나에게 필요한 것은 마음의 수양이란 걸!!! 이제서야 알다니.

똑똑하게 그리고 냉정하게 나를 반성하면서 성숙한 사람이 되겠다.

잠시 모든 걸 멈추고, 나를 성장시켜 다시 돌아오겠다.

성숙해진 나로 다시 돌아와 인생을 멋지게 살겠다.

나를 믿고, 여유로워진 내가 되어 환하게 해맑게 웃으며 다시 돌아오겠다.

'끄적끄적' 카테고리의 다른 글

4개월간의 다이어트  (0) 2018.07.11
꾸준함  (0) 2018.05.29
바이크 매거진  (0) 2018.03.23
Rome was not bulit in a day.  (0) 2018.03.22
미래  (0) 2018.03.19
모든 실타래가 풀렸다  (0) 2018.03.01
가슴이 뛴다  (0) 2018.02.21
2018年の目標  (0) 2018.02.18
끄적끄적  (0) 2018.02.16
Reset  (0) 2014.09.09

Brazil's ex-president Lula da Silva is in jail. He got a 12-year sentence for money laundering and corruption. It is a big downfall for him. He still has a lot of support. Hours before giving himself to the police, his supporters tried to stop him. Hundreds of union workers blocked the gate to stop his car. However, with the help of his bodyguards, he could get past the crowds. This meant there were no clashes with armed police.

브라질의 전 대통령 Lula da Silva는 교도소에 있다. 그는 돈세탁과 부패로 12년형을 받았다. 그를 파멸로 치닫게 했다. 그는 아직까지 많은 지원을 받고 있다. 그가 경찰로 송치되기 몇시간 전, 그의 지지자들은 그를 멈추게하려고 했다. 수백명의 노조원들은 그의 차를 멈추게 하려고 문을 막았다. 그러나 그의 경호원들의 도움으로, 그는 관중을 뚫고 들어갈 수 있었다. 무장경찰과 어떤 충돌도 없다는 것을 의미했다.

Mr da Silva is known as Lula. He was born in poverty but worked his way up to become leader of Brazil. He was elected President in 2002 and served from 2003 to 2010. During this time, he started social welfare programs and improved the economy. He helped millions out of poverty. This increased his popularity. Barack Obama called him, "the most popular politician on Earth". When he left the presidency, his approval rating was 83 per cent.

Mr. da Silva는 Lula로 알려져있다. 그는 가난하게 태어났지만 브라질의 리더가 되도록 일했다. 그는 2002에 대통령 선거에 당선되어, 2003년부터 2010년까지 역임했다. 이 때동안, 그는 사회복지 프로그램을  시작하고 경제를 발전시켰다. 그는 수백만의 가난한 사람들을 도왔다. 이것이 그의 인기를 오르게 했다. 버락 오바마는 "지구에서 가장 인기있는 정치인" 이라고 그를 불렀다. 그가 대통령을 떠났을 당시, 그의 지지율이 83%였다.

jail 교도소

corruption 부패(타락)

sentence 형벌, life sentence 종신형

downfall 파멸로 치닫다

crash 충돌

armed police 무장 경찰

출처: breaking news

불편을 끼쳐드려 죄송합니다.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

미팅이 다음주에 열릴 것이라는 확인 메일 입니다.

This is a reminder that the meeting will be held next week.

공교롭게도 저는 다음주 회의에 참석할 수 없지만, 회사에서 일어나는 일을 알아두고 싶습니다.

Unfortunately I can't attend the meeting next week, but I want to keep up with my company affairs.

회의에서 사용한 유인물이 있다면, 저에게 보내주세요.

If there are handouts for the meeting, please send me them.

저에게 알려주셔서 감사합니다.

Thank you for letting me know.

그 시스템을 수정하고 싶다는 것으로 이해하면 될까요?

Am I correct in saying that you want to modify the system?

제가 여기서 일하는 동안 저에게 주신 모든 도움 감사합니다.

I very appreciate all the help you gave me while working here.

만나기 편한 시간을 잡을 겸, 내일 아침 9시에서 11시 사이에 전화를 드리겠습니다.

I will give you a call between 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. tomorrow to see if we can fine a convenient time to meet.

지난번 메일에 약간 오해의 소지가 있었어요. 

My previous e-mail was a little misleading.

제 의도를 설명 드릴게요.

I will explain my intentions.

본 이메일로 양측 사이에 오해가 남지 않기를 진심으로 바랍니다.

I sincerely hope that this email will get rid of any misunderstandings between us.

당신의 정보가 이해할 만큼 충분하지 않습니다.

Your information is not detailed enough for us to understand.

'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

~을 강조하다  (0) 2018.04.30
[7] 깊숙이 개입하다  (0) 2018.04.30
[6] 끝까지 추적하다. ~을 보충하다  (0) 2018.04.19
무리하다  (0) 2018.04.19
[6] 만성 피로  (0) 2018.04.17
일부러 그런 것도 아니잖아요. 마음에 담아두지 마세요.  (0) 2018.04.06
[5] 욕하다  (0) 2018.04.06
[5] 나도 모르게  (0) 2018.04.05
[5] ~ 좀 안하시면 안될까요?  (0) 2018.04.05
[3] ~에 있어서는, ~에 관해서는  (0) 2018.03.23

1. 과거완료(had p.p)

나는 그가 결혼했다는 것을 들었다.

I heard that he had got married.

저는 20살전에는 해외에 가 본적이 없습니다.

Before I was 20, I had never been abroad.

이 회사에 입사하기 전에는 영어를 공부해야 한다는 필요성을 느낀 적이 한번도 없다.

Before I entered this company, I had never seen the need to study English.

내가 식당에 도착했을때, 사장님은 이미 점심을 먹은 상태였다.

When I arrived at the restaurant, my boss had already finished lunch.

2. 미래완료(will have p.p)

   미래진행완료(will have been -ing)

내년까지 일하면 이 회사에서 일한지 3년차 입니다.

I will have been working for this company for 3 years by next year.

네가 또 회사 그만둔다고 결심하면, 너는 10번째 결심하는 거야.

If you decide to quit a job again, you will have decided it ten times.

내가 이번에 다이어트 결심을 또 한다면, 5번째 하는 거야.

 If I decide to go on a diet again, I will have decided it five times.

네가 늦지 않는다고 한번 더 결심하면, 5번째야.

If you decided not to late again, you will have decided it five times.

이별을 말하고 넌 괜찮은거니
여전히 내 하루는
온통 네 생각에 뜬 눈으로 밤을 지새고
난 두려워 시간이 쌓여 갈 수록
내가 잊혀질까봐
우리 시간마저 모두 무너질까봐

나도 모르게 너무 보고싶어서
네 집앞을 찾아가
너도 나만큼은 아닐지라도 보고싶었다고
지금 나 너의 집앞에 있어
우리의 시간을 되돌려줘
아무일도 없던것처럼 날 안아줘
끝이라는게 난 너무나 두려워서
다가가지도 못하고 한참 서성이다 말도 못하고
다시 돌아가는 나...

하루가 가고 또 하루가 지나도
갈수록 커져만 가
맘에 없는 거짓말이라도 날 사랑한다고
말해줘 지금...

우리 한번은 단 한번쯤은 마주치지 않을까

당장 전활걸어 네 목소리 듣고 싶은데
내가 더 싫어지게 될까봐
작은 감정마저 그렇게 사라지게 될까봐

마음이란게 말처럼 되질 않잖아
보다 조금만 널 사랑했더라면
스치는 바람처럼 스쳐지나갈텐데

한참 서성이다 혹시
나처럼 아픈시간속에 살았기를...
오늘도 난 돌아서지만

'Emotion' 카테고리의 다른 글

나에게 온다  (0) 2018.03.09

Lesson 1 Introducing myself

My name is Lee-XX. I was brought up in Seoul.

I have older brother.He got married and has a daughter and a son.

My major was computer science while I was in University school.

After graduating, I had a chance to work overseas, so that I worked as an IT engineer in Japan for 5 years.

It was a great experience for me. I've been working in Korea based on it.

I really like the job and I will keep working until I can work this.

And If I have a chance to work overseas I want to work there. So I've been studying English for the last 10 months.


S : Good Morning.

T : Hi, Julie. Good Morning.

S : Hi, teacher.

T : Okay. Alright. So I read the message. What would you like to have today?

S : Yes, but . I read the OPIC textbook.

T : Okay.

S : But I didn't prepare for the first lesson. So I want to have talk to free talking today.

T : Alright. Let's have free talking.

    You know for the OPIC questions. We can stll use it for free talking.

S : Oh~ yes. Okay.

T : Yes. So would you like to use the questions of there? Quick warm up. Is that's okay?

S : Yes.

T : Okay?

S : Yes. Okay.

T : So then let's try it. Now you're going to tell me a little bit about yourself using some expressions here. 

    It's pretty easy.

    Can you please tell me somehing about yourself, Julie.

S : My name is Julie. My Korean Name is InYoung-Lee. Just call me 'Julie'.

    And my major was computer science scientist in University. So I'm an engineer Now.

    I maintain the shipping system. I sometimes make functional system and modify it. Some users ask me to make 

    some functions. So I try to satisfy to be satisfied with them. And after work, I usually work out three times a week.

    And I also go outside for cycing on weekends. Sometimes I attend the marathon. It makes me energetic.

    That's it.

T : Can you tell me what do you love about your job?

S : I have been liking mathematics since I was in school.So I liked my major in University.

    I like programming making something in computer. So I like my job.

T : Alright. That's good introduction. Okay. Julie, Whenever you introduce yourself, and say something about what you like

    (show ). Let your audience feel that your really really love it.

    This time, try to tell me why you like or love cycling.

S : I usually work in my office on weekdays while sitting in front of desk. I've almost worked in my office. Most of time, I'm working in my office.

    So I need to work out on weekends . So I like going outside on weekend for cycling. When I'm cycling with my friend,

    I go see some beautiful scenery I go see a good scences . It is good for me to lose weight also. After cycling, we can eat delicious food.

    So I like cycing. 

T : Wow that's nice. Maybe oneday I can join you. 

S : Yes. Sure.

T : Oh my balance is not so good.

S : It's not important. You can do it. I will try and support you.

T : Thank you very much. You did very well. Tell me. Why did you decide to change your OPIC book?

S : We have been talking to free talking. We met first time. It was good. But you know it is important to 

    prepare for the class before. But when I am busy, I can't prepare the class. So I think it is good for me 

    to prepare for the lessons. It is the same to prepare for the class of free talking or OPIC.

T : Just look at the title. We can talk. Right?

    So you did very well. Now are you also planning to take the OPIC test?

S : Unfortunately I've never tested the OPIC. So I will prepare for the lessons. One day.

T : So, Julie. I think we are time with our class. We will continue this on Wendesday.

S : Thursday.

T : Oh~ Thursday right. Thank you very much Julie. You have a good Tuesday.

S : Thank you your teaching. Have a nice day.

T : Bye~

일부러 그런 것도 아니잖아요.

That's okay. You couldn't help it.

마음에 담아두지 마세요.

Don't hold it against me.

A : 너 어제 왜 나한테 화풀이 한거야?

B : 사실은 나 어제 남자친구와 헤어져서 혼자있고 싶었거든.

    내가 너를 화나게 했다면 미안해.

A : 나 괜찮아. 일부러 그런것도 아닌데 뭘. 마음에 담아두지마.

A : Why did you take it out on me?

B : Honestly I wanted to be alone, cause I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday.

    If I make you angry, I'm so sorry.

A : That's okay. You couldn't help it. Don't hold it against me.

'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

[7] 깊숙이 개입하다  (0) 2018.04.30
[6] 끝까지 추적하다. ~을 보충하다  (0) 2018.04.19
무리하다  (0) 2018.04.19
[6] 만성 피로  (0) 2018.04.17
[Business Expression 1] Email  (0) 2018.04.14
[5] 욕하다  (0) 2018.04.06
[5] 나도 모르게  (0) 2018.04.05
[5] ~ 좀 안하시면 안될까요?  (0) 2018.04.05
[3] ~에 있어서는, ~에 관해서는  (0) 2018.03.23
[3] ~해도 소용없어  (0) 2018.03.22

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