1. 이맘때쯤

around this time of the year

We get really busy around this time of the year.

2. 연말에 가까워질수록

towards the end of the year

There are a lot of year-end gatherings around this time of the year and it gets even worse towards the end of the month.

출처 : 유튜브 라이브 아카데미


'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

[5] ~ 좀 안하시면 안될까요?  (0) 2018.04.05
[3] ~에 있어서는, ~에 관해서는  (0) 2018.03.23
[3] ~해도 소용없어  (0) 2018.03.22
[3] 집착하다  (0) 2018.03.20
[2] ~라고 생각하면 되는거죠?  (0) 2018.03.18
[2] 화풀이하다  (0) 2018.03.18
[2] 역효과나다  (0) 2018.03.15
[2] 딱히, 의외로, 아무렇지도 않게, 어쩔 수 없이, 점차  (0) 2018.03.14
[2] ~할만 하다  (0) 2018.03.13
[1] 다행이다  (0) 2018.03.08

1. 다행이야

That's (such) a relief.

This is so relieving.

2. ~해서 다행이야

I'm glad it's not raining.

I'm glad you're here.

I'm glad I can help.(제가 도움을 드려서 다행이에요.)

I'm glad I brought my wallet with me.

3. ~하길 잘했네

It's a good thing you mentioned that.

It's a good thing we didn't go there.

It's a good thing I left early.

출처 : 유튜브 라이브 아카데미

1. eclipse page에 가서 plug-in 용을 download 받는다.


2. Plugin 용 Project 를 생성한다.

New-> Plug-in project 로 생성 시, 확장자를 설정해준다.

실행 -> makePlugIn 파일에서 실행 혹은 디버그 클릭.

새 Project 가 열리고, 위에서 설정한 확장자로 파일을 생성하면 Plugin로 개발된 Application이 실행된다.

<Tip> Swing 디자인 패키지 사용하기!

SWT, JFace, RCP, Swing 등

Help - Eclipse Marketplace - WindowBuiler 1.9.0

API 참조 : 


[Eclipse RCP 3 Tutorial for Beginners] - Workbench Application

참조 : https://o7planning.org/en/10185/eclipse-rcp-3-tutorial-for-beginners-workbench-application

Like most Olympic athletes, they began sports at an early age 10 years ago, when Pyeongchange began 

its dream to host the winter games.

I was very young girl beginning my own Olympic dream in ice rink in Seoul.

It has been a month, trainning in LA with my new coach and new skaters at the new rinks.

한달 됐어요. LA에서 훈련한지. 새로운 아이스 링크에서 새 코치와 선수들과 함께

Yeah, I have been watching Michelle and other a lot of skaters.

저는 미쉘이랑 다른 선수들의 경기을 봐왔는데요.

I was inspired by other wonderful champions, So I hope many young skaters are inspired by me as I was inspired by Michelle.

저는 다른 챔피언들에게 많은 영감을 받았구요. 제가 미쉘에서 영감을 받을 것 처럼 어른 꿈나무들도 그랬으면 좋겠어요.

I have been skating for many years since I was young.

저는 어린시절부터 스케이트를 수 년간 타왔습니다.

출처 : 유튜브 영어 알려주는 남자


'Languages > English Writing' 카테고리의 다른 글

my mistake  (0) 2019.02.21
My new friend  (0) 2019.02.21
work-life balance  (0) 2019.02.19
2 day  (0) 2019.02.18
in Cebu  (0) 2019.02.17
[7] Going on a diet is never over.  (0) 2018.05.23
[6] I had an upset stomach for lunch.  (0) 2018.05.14
[5] After my journey  (0) 2018.05.08
[4] Do you enjoy learning foreign languages?  (0) 2018.04.19
[3] What do you do to get rid of stress?  (0) 2018.03.20

a. Do you remember your first date?  Tell me about it. 

=> Yes. I remember him. 

   I had a blind date with him when I was a university student.

   I was too late the first day. I was so sorry that I treated him to lunch.

> I was too late ON the first day.

   And then we went to an amuzement park. We played games together. But I was better than him.

> And then we went to an amusement park.

   So he said me to fall in love later. 

>So he told me to fall in love later. 

b. Tell me how you felt when you went on your first date.

=> I remeber being nervious at my first date.

>I remember being nervous ON my first date.

   He was a hansome guy who I like. I was proud of the fact that he was my boyfriend.

>He was a handsome guy whom I like.

c. Tell me about the person you had the first date with. 

=> He was 1 year younger than me. And he was a Yonsei University which is famous university in Korea student.

>And he was a Yonsei University  student which is a famous university in Korea .

   He was so cute. And he was very kind. He gave me everything that I want.

   One day, I wanted to eat hamburger called "Burgur King". But there was not in this neiborhood. 

> One day, I wanted to eat a hamburger called 'Burger Kind'. But there wasn't one in this neighborhood.

   But he bought it and came my home. I was too touched.

> But he bought it and brought it to my house.

<선생님 표현>

I have a butterfly in my stomach.

나 너무 긴장돼.

Whenever I have to speak in public, I get butterfiles in my stomach.

사람들 앞에서 연설을 할 때마다, 나는 너무 긴장돼.

d. Why are first dates important to any relationship?

=> When I meet a boyfriend next time, I compare now and previous in spite of myself.

e. How important to you is the first impression?

=> The first impression remainds a strong memory in my mind.

In my case, If I feel that the first impression is not good, I don't meet him next time.

f. What do you think is the first impression people have of you?

=> I tend to be outgoing, and don't want to pretend to be shy.

g. Why are first dates usually awkward and uncomfortable?

h. Do you believe in love at first sight?

i. How often do single people usually go on dates in your country?

j. What are some popular places people go to for their first dates

The online company Airbnb is moving into the luxury travel market. Its new business model will try to attract richer people. It will offer new places to stay, like vacation homes and boutique hotels. Airbnb offers over four million rooms in 191 countries. It has had over 260 million reservations since it started nine years ago. It wants to increase this to more than one billion by 2028. The CEO said Airbnb is still an "alternative". He wants it to be for everyone.

온라인 회사 Airbnb는 럭셔리 여행 시장에 뛰어들었다. 새로운 비지니스 모델은 부유층에 시선을 끌도록 노력할 것이다. 그것은 별장이나 부티크 호텔 같은 새로운 장소를 제공할 것이다. Airbnb는 191 나라에 4백만 이상의 방을 제공한다. 서비스를 시작한 9년전부터 2.6 억 이상의 예약이 되고 있다. 2028년까지 10억 이상의 예약으로 증가되길 바란다. CEO는 Airbnb는 아직 "대안" 이라고 말했다. 그는 Airbnb가 모든사람을 위한 것이 되길 원한다.

Airbnb does not own any properties. It is a broker between property owners who want to rent out their homes, and travelers looking for different places to stay. The company makes money from booking fees. It will also offer adventure travel and "unique spaces," like yurts - the large, round tents in which many people in Mongolia live. Airbnb's new "Beyond" option will offer travelers "full-on luxury stays" that include "some of the world's nicest homes".

Airbnb는 어떤 자산도 가지고 있지 않다. 집을 렌트하길 원하는 집주인과 머물 장소를 찾는 여행객 사이의 중개자이다. 회사는 예약 수수료로 돈을 번다. 또한 모험적인 여행과 요르트(몽골리아에 많은 사람들이 사는 크고 둥근 텐트) 같은 독특한 장소를 제공한다. Airbnb의 새로운 "Beyond" 옵션은 여행객들에게 세계에서 가장 멋진 집을 포함한 "최대 럭셔리 스테이" 를 제공 할 것이다.

출처 : https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1802/180225-airbnb-luxury-travel-1.html


vacation home 별장

million 100만 

100 million = 1억 

billion = 10억

property owner 집주인

full-on 최대의


It will also offer adventure travel and "unique spaces," like yurts - the large, round tents ( in which many people in Mongolia live.)

= Many people in Mongolia live in which.(= the large, round tents)

전치사 + 관계대명사가 앞으로


1. 원급 : 

~ 만큼 ~ 한

(not) as 형용사/부사 as

우리 엄마는 우리 아빠만큼 키가 크다.

My mother is as tall as my father.

우리 엄마는 보이는 것만큼 키가 크다.

My mother is as tall as she looks.

우리 사장님은 우리 매니저만큼 냉정하다.

My boss is as cold-hearted as my manager.

우리 매니저는 보이는 것만큼 냉정하진 않아.

My manager is not as cold-hearted as he looks.

영어를 공부하는 것은 운동하는 것 만큼 힘들다.

Studying English is as hard as working out.

영어는 내가 생각한 것만큼 어렵다.

English is as hard as I thought.

나는 우리 엄마가 이모만큼 건강했으면 좋겠어.

I want my mother to be as healthy as my aunt.

저희 회사는 삼성만큼 널리 알려져 있습니다.

My company is as well-known as Samsung.

주택가격은 내가 생각 했던 것만큼 비쌌다. 이것은 가계에 큰 부담이 되었다. 나는 한국의 집값이 이해가 안돼.

House prices are as expensive as I thought. It became a big burden on households. I don't understand house prices in Korea.

사장은 내가 영어를 유창하게 하길 바라는데 그것은 나에게 큰 부담이 되었다.

My boss wants me to speak English fluently, but it has became a big burden on me.

나는 우리 언니만큼 정이 많지 않다.

I'm not as warm-hearted as my sister.

가능한 ~하게

as 형용사 / 부사 as possible

가능한 늦게 결혼하고 싶습니다. 저는 제 시간을 즐기고 싶어요.

I want to get married as late as possible. I want to enjoy myself.

가능한 자주 영어단어를 외우려고 노력한다.

I try to memorize vocabulary words as often as possible.

가능한 빨리 그 파일을 보내주시겠어요?

Can you send me the file as soon as possible?

가능한 유창하게 영어를 말하고 싶습니다. 그런데 쉽지 않아요.

I want to speak English as fluently as possible. But it's not easy.

누군가와 이별하는 것은 인생의 한 과정이야.

Breaking up with someone is a natural part of lie.

여자친구가 혼자 잘 못 놀아요.

My girlfriend doesn't enjoy herself.

가능한 ~많은 N을~   

as many / much as possible

나는 가능한 많은 스펙을 쌓고 싶다.

I want to build as many qualifications as possible.

가능한 많은 책을 사고 싶다.

I want to buy as many books as possible.

가능한 많은 물을 마시고 싶다,

I want to drink as much water as possible.

더할 나위 없이 ~ 하다 

as 형/부 as can be

더할 나위 없이 행복합니다.

I am as happy as can be.

하늘이 더할 나위 없이 깨끗하다.

The sky is as clear as can be.

예전만큼 ~ 하다

as 형/부 as S used to V

저는 전보다 마르지 않았어요.
I'm not as thin as I used to be.

저는 예전만큼 바쁘지 않아요.
I'm not as busy as I used to be.

[연습 단문 1]

A: He was not as warm-hearted as I thought. So I broke up with him. I'm so sorry.

B: It's okay. Saying goodbye is a natural part of life.

   Enjoy yourself!

   You told me that you wanted to get married as late as possible

   I hope you meet as many men as possible and then choose the best your man, girl!

[연습 단문 2]

A: We made a reservation at your resort on Expedia.com under name Miss. Lee.

   Can you check my reservation?

B: Sure. Um... I'm sorry we can't help you due to the lack of the above reservation number.

A: Oh my god! I forgot to bring my passport from the airport.

   Can you arrange the transfer service for free by shuttle bus?

   And can you please keep my luggage?

   Because your resort is as far as you mentioned.


T : Hello.

M : Hello.

T : Oh, It's ok. Good morning Julie.

M : Good morning, teacher.

T : Yes. And today is your holiday, right?

M : Yes. It's independence day in Korea. 

T : Oh, I see. Alright. Do you usually celebrate this holiday?

M : Maybe I think there are a lot of programs in TV. I don't usually watch that, because it is not funny.

T : so big historical? , right?

T: so what do you do on these days? 

M: in my case, I go out for playing. Espicaly today I'm schedule to apply to marathon.

T: where ? where?

M : Do you know marathon?

T : marathon? I haven't heard of that yet.

M : maybe my prononciation is wrong.

T : marathon?

M : marathon? Phillines?

T : It's Isn't it Korean?

M : you can see that. Marathon.

T : ohoh~ okay. I can hear "marahon" Oh. my 

오늘 윈터스쿨의 피트니스 세션이 끝났다.

약 2달동안 매주 수요일마다(한번도 빠짐없이) 근력운동을 했고 그 결과 플랭크 3분이라는 놀라운 기록도 갱신했다.

(뭐 운동능력 향상에 대한 얘길 하려던건 아니고)

난 이곳에서 어떤 여자애랑 친해지게 되었다.

첫날부터 우연히 옆자리에 앉아 계속 존댓말만 하는 사이였는데, 끝나기 얼마전 아쉬운 마음에 술을 한잔하고 더욱 깊이있게 그녀에 대해 알게된 후

정말 멋진 여자라는 걸 느끼게 되었다.

우린 추구하는 바가 같았고, 서로에게 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있는 사이였다.

오랜만에 꿈에 대해 밝은 미래에 대해 얘기할 수 있었고, 잠깐의 우울함 따위 현재를 충실하게 살기 위한 사치였다는 것 또한 느낄 수 있었다.

지금까지 나에게 있던 문제점이라고 하면 할 수 있는 것들의 실타래가 풀렸다.

정말 희안한 느낌이다.(그래서 그 느낌이 가시기전에 적어보려고 눈꺼풀이 무겁게 내려오는 걸 참고 글을 쓰고 있다.)

1. 살 빼기 어려웠던 점

: 탄수화물을 줄이지 않아서.

정말 운동선수(뭐 이건 오바지만, 일반인치고는 정말 많은 운동량)처럼 운동을 해도 살이 빠지지 않았던 이유는 바로 '탄수화물' 때문이었다.

그리고 1일 3끼 먹을 필요 없이, 필요에 의해 식사를 하면 된다.

2. 자존감 

: 이건 예전부터 알고 있었던 점인데, 확 와닿은 적이 없었다.

그런데!!! 오늘에야 비로소 깨닫게 되었다.

나를 더 사랑하고, 현재에 충실하고, 내 삶은 온전이 내 것이라는 것.

자세한 얘기는 적기 싫다. ㅋ

이젠 행동으로 결과로 보여주겠다.

말보단 행동이 앞서고, 앞으로의 모든 선택은 내 스스로 하고 결과에 대해선 내가 책임지는 것.

3. 영어공부

작년부터 계속 학원을 다니고 있고 나름 꾸준히 공부하고 있다고 하지만 기간에 비해 실력이 많이 향상되지 않았다.

이유는 활용도가 낮았기 때문이다.

한가지 방법으로 하는게 아니라 여러 컨텐츠도 접하고 읽고 쓰고 듣고 말하고 이런 일련의 과정이 동시적으로 일어나야 한다.

그러한 방법이 습관이 되어서 시간이 쌓이면 어느 순간 잘하게 될 것이다.

이 또한 깨달은 바가 많다.

2018년 초에 이런점을 알게되어 너무 기쁘다.

이젠 달릴일만 남았다. ^^

나는 간바리야상이니깐!!! 

좀 더 멋진 여자가 될 것 같은 기분이 든다.


'끄적끄적' 카테고리의 다른 글

꾸준함  (0) 2018.05.29
나와의 대화  (0) 2018.04.16
바이크 매거진  (0) 2018.03.23
Rome was not bulit in a day.  (0) 2018.03.22
미래  (0) 2018.03.19
가슴이 뛴다  (0) 2018.02.21
2018年の目標  (0) 2018.02.18
끄적끄적  (0) 2018.02.16
Reset  (0) 2014.09.09
It's my pleasure  (0) 2009.05.20

SPEAK YOUR MIND > Senior Conversations


a. Based on your own understanding, what is addiction?

The behavior without thought.

b. What are some things that people can be addicted to?

I think most of people can be addicted to drink, gambles, games easily.

> I think most people could be addicted to drinking, gambling, and games easily.

c. Are you addicted to something?


I run three times a week at least.

d. In your opinion, what is the worst type of addiction?

I think the type of addiction that ruins one's life as like drink, gambles.

> I think the type of addiction that ruins one's life are: drinking and gambling.

e. How would you handle addiction?

In my case I try to control my mind, when I wake into the worst type of addiction.

I try to find the video of famous people on Youtube or to read the positive sentences.

f. What do you think is the misconception regarding addition?

People think "addiction" means that is the worst type of it.

g. Tell me about famous people that have been addicted to something?

Bill Gates.

When he was young, he read the whole books in the library neighborhood.

> When he was young, he read all the books in the community library.

He was addicted to reading books.

h. How important is a support system when it comes to recovering from an addiction?

It's not easy to recover from an addiction because it needs one's courage.

But if many people who have same goal try to recover, it is easier than a man.

So It's important to support system.

> But if many people with the same goal try to recover, it is easier for the individual.

So It's important to have a support system.

i. How can the government help those that are addicted to something?

The government makes system that helps people.

For example, if a man wants to stop smoking, it's difficult to stop it by himself.

So if he applies for the stop smoking system, it helps him.

> The government should make a system that helps people.

So if he applies for the stop smoking system, it could help him

j. Why do you think people get addicted to something?

Because life is boring.

So people want to find something special.

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