1. 원급 :
~ 만큼 ~ 한
(not) as 형용사/부사 as
우리 엄마는 우리 아빠만큼 키가 크다.
My mother is as tall as my father.
우리 엄마는 보이는 것만큼 키가 크다.
My mother is as tall as she looks.
우리 사장님은 우리 매니저만큼 냉정하다.
My boss is as cold-hearted as my manager.
우리 매니저는 보이는 것만큼 냉정하진 않아.
My manager is not as cold-hearted as he looks.
영어를 공부하는 것은 운동하는 것 만큼 힘들다.
Studying English is as hard as working out.
영어는 내가 생각한 것만큼 어렵다.
English is as hard as I thought.
나는 우리 엄마가 이모만큼 건강했으면 좋겠어.
I want my mother to be as healthy as my aunt.
저희 회사는 삼성만큼 널리 알려져 있습니다.
My company is as well-known as Samsung.
주택가격은 내가 생각 했던 것만큼 비쌌다. 이것은 가계에 큰 부담이 되었다. 나는 한국의 집값이 이해가 안돼.
House prices are as expensive as I thought. It became a big burden on households. I don't understand house prices in Korea.
사장은 내가 영어를 유창하게 하길 바라는데 그것은 나에게 큰 부담이 되었다.
My boss wants me to speak English fluently, but it has became a big burden on me.
나는 우리 언니만큼 정이 많지 않다.
I'm not as warm-hearted as my sister.
가능한 ~하게
as 형용사 / 부사 as possible
가능한 늦게 결혼하고 싶습니다. 저는 제 시간을 즐기고 싶어요.
I want to get married as late as possible. I want to enjoy myself.
가능한 자주 영어단어를 외우려고 노력한다.
I try to memorize vocabulary words as often as possible.
가능한 빨리 그 파일을 보내주시겠어요?
Can you send me the file as soon as possible?
가능한 유창하게 영어를 말하고 싶습니다. 그런데 쉽지 않아요.
I want to speak English as fluently as possible. But it's not easy.
누군가와 이별하는 것은 인생의 한 과정이야.
Breaking up with someone is a natural part of lie.
여자친구가 혼자 잘 못 놀아요.
My girlfriend doesn't enjoy herself.
가능한 ~많은 N을~
as many / much as possible
나는 가능한 많은 스펙을 쌓고 싶다.
I want to build as many qualifications as possible.
가능한 많은 책을 사고 싶다.
I want to buy as many books as possible.
가능한 많은 물을 마시고 싶다,
I want to drink as much water as possible.
더할 나위 없이 ~ 하다
as 형/부 as can be
더할 나위 없이 행복합니다.
I am as happy as can be.
하늘이 더할 나위 없이 깨끗하다.
The sky is as clear as can be.
예전만큼 ~ 하다
as 형/부 as S used to V
저는 전보다 마르지 않았어요.
I'm not as thin as I used to be.
저는 예전만큼 바쁘지 않아요.
I'm not as busy as I used to be.
[연습 단문 1]
A: He was not as warm-hearted as I thought. So I broke up with him. I'm so sorry.
B: It's okay. Saying goodbye is a natural part of life.
Enjoy yourself!
You told me that you wanted to get married as late as possible.
I hope you meet as many men as possible and then choose the best your man, girl!
[연습 단문 2]
A: We made a reservation at your resort on Expedia.com under name Miss. Lee.
Can you check my reservation?
B: Sure. Um... I'm sorry we can't help you due to the lack of the above reservation number.
A: Oh my god! I forgot to bring my passport from the airport.
Can you arrange the transfer service for free by shuttle bus?
And can you please keep my luggage?
Because your resort is as far as you mentioned.