T:Hi Good morning, Julie.

S:Good morning teather.

T:Okay, Well. Last time do you remember what we talked about?

S:I had another happening in my company. another problems.

  Because there is something wrong with my company.

  My comapny is in troule because times are so rough.

  As you know my boss isn't a common people, right?

  He has said that 'There are so many employees in IT department.'

  So my company decided on personnel reduction yesterday. 

  People who are selected will have to go to another department.

T: What departments are they going to?

S: For example, sales department or marketing department or so on.

   But we haven't worked in that department.

T: Yes Yes. You have no experience.

S: The meaning is that we have to quit a job.

   -> It means that we have to quit the job.

   When most of our members heard the news, we were annoyed and frustrated.

   They had a company party to encourage for their own the day before yesterday.

   I really want to attend the gathering but I had a schedule to go to my English Writing class.

   So I thought when I was going there.

   The decision has already done.

  -> The decision has already been made.

   "What sholud I do?"

   Some people said 'We are going to change jobs.'

   But I decided not to change jobs.

T: You will still stay in your company.

S: Fortunately I'm not person who are selected.

               -> I'm not selected.

T: So you are safe. That's good to hear.

S: It is not good in my company's atmosphere. It is not good these days.

T: When are they going to transfer to another departments?

S: I heard that news yesterday. It will be noticed today or tomorrow.

   They have to go another departments next week or 2 weeks later. Maybe.

   But most of people who are selected said 'We are going to quick a job' to my manager.

T: He knows.

S: Yes. He knows who are selected.

   In my case I'm safe ,but I'm not good because there are so many work in mine .

T: You can use of that or you can say 

   "There are much work to do."

S: There are much work to do.

   Maybe I will have to change jobs in near future.

T: But originally How many are you in the IT department?

S: There are 25 employees in my department.

T: How many will remain?

S: Maybe It will be 12 or 15 people.

T: Almost half.

S: Almost half. It's not fair. We can't do anything after decision.

T: And your workload will be heavier, too.

S: Maybe I have to work overtime everyday.

   I don't want to do. And then I will not go on a diet and go to the English Writing class after work.

   I will not balance work and life.

T:What time by the way as your shift or your working time?

S:My working time is 8 hours on adverage.

T:And that is from what time?

S:Are you saying that you want to know what time my work starts?


S:I go to work until 9 a.m.

  from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

  But I go to work ealiar than other emplyoees.

  I go to work 30 minutes ealiar.

T:I'm there 30 minutes ealiar.

  You are a very deligent worker.

S:But It's not important. I don't know.

T:Hey, Our time is short. I have to go.

  I hope you can still comfort those who are going to leave.

  You will give them advice comfortant.

S:Thank you for your advice. I will write the story remains.

T:Okay. Alright. I will go now. Take care. Try to be happy, right?

Teacher's Comment: 

Though we are facing our own problems, we should always remember to have hope and remember that there is a rainbow always after the rain. 

step out

(밖으로) 나가다

사장님이 방금 고객들과 막 나가셨는데요. 아마 2시간 후에 사무실로 돌아오실 꺼에요.

My boss has just stepped out with his customers. He will return to the office in two hours.

You've just missed him. He will come back to the office two hours later.

나 사무실 밖으로 못나갈꺼 같아.

I cannot step out of my office.

차에서 내려서 손들어.

Step out of you car and put your hands in the air.

'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

be out of ~  (0) 2018.06.19
~ 한 경우를 대비해서, 혹시 ~ 라면  (0) 2018.06.19
우린 잘 맞아  (0) 2018.06.19
파일이 깨지다, 읽히지 않는다  (0) 2018.06.19
나는 ~ 유형(타입)의 사람입니다.  (0) 2018.06.19
방황하다, 길을 잃다. 어리버리 하다.  (0) 2018.05.29
그것의 일환으로  (0) 2018.05.18
희안하게도  (0) 2018.05.18
벗어나다  (0) 2018.05.16
[9] 적응하다  (0) 2018.05.16

feel lost

길을 잃다. 방황하다. 어리버리 하다.

저는 제가 무엇을 잘하는지 몰라서 방황했어요.

I didn't know what I was good at, so I felt lost.

나 요즘에 마음이 잘 안잡혀.

I feel lost.

제가 어리버리 할 때 챙겨주셔서 감사합니다.

When I felt lost, thank you for taking care of me.

'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

~ 한 경우를 대비해서, 혹시 ~ 라면  (0) 2018.06.19
우린 잘 맞아  (0) 2018.06.19
파일이 깨지다, 읽히지 않는다  (0) 2018.06.19
나는 ~ 유형(타입)의 사람입니다.  (0) 2018.06.19
(밖으로) 나가다  (0) 2018.05.29
그것의 일환으로  (0) 2018.05.18
희안하게도  (0) 2018.05.18
벗어나다  (0) 2018.05.16
[9] 적응하다  (0) 2018.05.16
[9] ~가 빠져있다, ~가 남았다(기간 : 2주 남았어)  (0) 2018.05.14


1) 의문사       무엇

2) 관계대명사 => 명사절 (주어, 목적어. 보어) ~ 하는 것.

    - 선행사 포함.

    - what S + V (불완전한 구조)

네가 원하는 것에 대해서 부모님과 얘기를 나눴니?

Did you talk to your parents about what you want?

저는 제가 무엇을 잘하는지 몰라서 방황했어요.

I felt lost because I didn't know what I was good at.

저는 사장님이 저에게 무엇을 원하는 건지 모르겠어요.

I don't know what my boss wants from me.

네 남자친구는 누구랑 영어공부 하니?

Who does your boyfriend study English with?

네 남자친구가 누구랑 영어공부 하는지 물어봐도 될까요?

May I ask who your boyfriend studies English with?

그녀는 나에게 왜 화가 나 있는지 말을 하지 않아.

She doesn't tell me why she is angry.

언제까지 제가 숙제를 해야하나요?

By when should I do my homework?

특정한 동사는 문장 맨 앞으로 의문사를 끌고 와야함.

think / believe / guess / imagine

그가 원하는 것이 무엇이라고 생각하세요?

What do you think he wants?

너희 어머니가 누구랑 병원에 다닌다고 생각해?

Who do you think your mother goes to the hospital with?

Peter가 왜 이직했다고 생각하니?

Why do you think Peter changed jobs?

이 가방이 얼마라고 생각이 드니?

How much do you think this bag is?

나 누구게?

Who do you guess I am?

몇시라고 생각이 드세요?

What time do you think it is?

너는 그가 왜 매일 지각을 한다고 생각하니?

Why do you think he is late everyday?

제가 몇 살 같아요?

How old do you guess I am?

너는 무엇이 인생을 행복하게 해준다고 생각하니?

What do you think makes you happy?

너는 왜 이게 사실이 아니라고 믿는거니?

Why do you believe it is not true?

'Languages > English Grammer' 카테고리의 다른 글

Should 도치 : 만약에 그럴일은 없겠지만 ~ 라면  (0) 2018.08.13
5형식  (0) 2018.07.17
관계대명사  (0) 2018.06.19
that 구별  (0) 2018.05.12
준 조동사(had better 동사원형, would rather 동사원형)  (0) 2018.04.30
조동사  (0) 2018.04.30
시제(3. 과거완료/ 미래완료)  (0) 2018.04.14
시제(2. 현재완료/ 진행완료)  (0) 2018.04.06
시제(1. 현재/과거/미래)  (0) 2018.04.05
[should/ must / might have p.p]  (0) 2018.03.23

마음을 다잡고 올 2월부터 지금까지 빡세게 달려왔는데 눈에 띄는 듯한 결과가 보이지 않아서 살짝 실망을 하고 있다.

여전히 난 월화수목금 영어와 운동을 병행하고, 주말에 유산소 운동(마라톤 혹은 자전거)을 하고 있는데 정체기인지 별로 변화가 없다.

물론 단기간 내에 결과를 쉽게 낼 수 있는 것들이 아니란 것은 알지만, 다이어트 종료 3주 남은 시점에서 뭔가 극약의 조치가 필요할 듯 하다.

우선, 남은 기간동안 무엇에 더 집중 할 것인가?

여기서 멈추기엔 너무 아깝다는 생각이 들면서 어제 런닝머신 위에서 많은 생각을 했다.

과연... 지금 나에게 가장 중요한 게 무엇일까? 

나는 과연 어떤 사람이 되고 싶은가?

내가 진정 원하는 것...

살면서 한번도 가늘가늘 한 상체를 가져본 적이 없는 것.

여리여리하고 가늘고 긴 팔, 얇은 허리, 보호 본능을 일으키는 어깨로 한번만이라도 살아보고 싶었다.

나의 컴플렉스였다.

이번에 그것을 뛰어 넘고 싶었다. 

'살면서 단 한번이라도 가져보고 싶다' 란 생각이 간절했다.

물론 내가 다이어트에 성공한다고 해서 내 인생이 180도 달라질꺼라는 기대는 하지 않는다.

내 자신과의 싸움이고 자기 만족이니.

그런데 왠지... 나와의 싸움에서 이기고 나면 앞으로 살면서 무슨 일이든 할 수 있을 것 같다.

마지막이라고 생각하고 3주. 해보려고 한다.

영어는 주말로 미루고.

자전거도 당분간 타지 말고.

주 7회 근력 & 유산소. All Clear 식단. 

프로필 가즈아!!! 

내 자신을 이겨보잣!!!! 

할뚜 이따! 아자 아자 아자!!! 

'끄적끄적' 카테고리의 다른 글

4개월간의 다이어트  (0) 2018.07.11
나와의 대화  (0) 2018.04.16
바이크 매거진  (0) 2018.03.23
Rome was not bulit in a day.  (0) 2018.03.22
미래  (0) 2018.03.19
모든 실타래가 풀렸다  (0) 2018.03.01
가슴이 뛴다  (0) 2018.02.21
2018年の目標  (0) 2018.02.18
끄적끄적  (0) 2018.02.16
Reset  (0) 2014.09.09

T : Hi there, Julie. Good Morning.

S : Good morning teacher.

T : Well. How was your holiday?

S : I rode with my friends.

T : You didn't go on a buffet, again? 

S : Really?

T : No more buffet.

S : Yes. I'm not buddiest.

S : Oh~ okay. I mean 'buffet' you didn't going have. 

T : I didn't go there, but I had a lot of food because I was under stress.

    After riding it was not good for me. So I was not satisfied with the riding.

T : with the ride, it's okay.

S : with the ride. So I was irristrated. I needed food. So I had a lot of snacks and drank a beer.

T : Julie, Do you usually drink alone or with some friends? 

S : Nowadays I like drink beer alone. Because it is comfortable for me to drink at home.

T : You can rest immediately.

S : Finally I gain some weight. Yesterday It was not good day.

T : Oh~ Julie. I know that you are very sensitive when it comes to your weight.

    Do you think there is another possible way for you to handle the stress?

S : I beg your pardon, teacher? 

T : Do you think there is another way for you to handle the stres instead of eating, julie?

S : Sometimes I go to a singing room to get rid of my stress.

    But the day before yesterday it had heavy rainy day.

T : Or you can say the day before yesterday rained heavly.

S : rained heavly. I didn't want to go out. So I drank a beer.

T : Julie, but pool , the swimming pool. It covered, right?

S : But it is enough to work out the day.

T : You were biking.

S : I didn't want to acting anything.

T : Okay. I understand.

S : Oh, teacher, by the way yesterday I had an accident. Happnening.

    I had a happining for my co-worker.

T : What happen?

S : My boss scolded him for not say hello.

    I don't fully understand that.

T : And what happened next? you do something? 

S : He just walked along the street.

    After he didn't know my boss's face.

    He has never faced him before.

    As soon as he entered the elevator, anyone came into the elevator and told him 'my boss called you'.

    He walked there. My boss spoke ill out of him.

T : talk and out him. What do you mean, julie? he fired him?

S : My boss told him many bad words. And then my co-worker was very frustrated. 

    After that, vice president came to my office.

T : Oh my gosh!

S : Who was that didn't say hello to my boss?

T : to the vice president, too? So from that happening, did you comfort your co-work?

S : Yes. He was very irristrated and got anygry.

    He said I don't want to work for this company.

    I don't understand my boss's attitude.

T : What is the prossison(?) What does he do?

S : I don't know. As soon as he arrive at home, he drinks a lot with his wife.

T : Okay. Well. I think we can learn from that accident is to say hello to everybody.

S : Yes. I don't understand.

T : I do hope you know your boss's face,right?

S : Actually I also didn't meet his face. 

    So we found the way to say hello to him. We get along with co-works who know his face.

T : Okay. Can you google name of co-worker?

S : Yes. I know his name. 

T : Google. Find his face.

    I hope you have a good day.

    Find the stress boal and stress cute(?).

    Enjoy your Thursday.

I will have been going on a diet for 4 months by next month.

I got used to making it a rule to have a little on weekdays regularly, but the problem is that I cannot make a promise with myself on weekends.

Honestly I was quite tired yesterday but I couldn't take a rest, because I make an appointment that I go on a trip for riding with my friends.

I got up at 4 am and returned to my home 6 pm. As soon as I arrived at home, I was irritated a lot. 

The reason why I was irritated was that I wasn't satisfied with the trip.

So I had a lot of snacks and drink  drank beer because I was under stress.

And then I regret having a lot of junk foods.

I've been depressed since yesterday.

I told my personal trainer my behavior. He said "You couldn't help it. Don't hold it against that. It's okay if you work out from today."

His word gave me encourage.

I realized again that everything depends on my mind.

Stay strong!

'Languages > English Writing' 카테고리의 다른 글

my mistake  (0) 2019.02.21
My new friend  (0) 2019.02.21
work-life balance  (0) 2019.02.19
2 day  (0) 2019.02.18
in Cebu  (0) 2019.02.17
[6] I had an upset stomach for lunch.  (0) 2018.05.14
[5] After my journey  (0) 2018.05.08
[4] Do you enjoy learning foreign languages?  (0) 2018.04.19
[3] What do you do to get rid of stress?  (0) 2018.03.20
[1] Dictation  (0) 2018.03.06

as part of it

나는 공부를 열심히 하기로 결심했어. 그것의 일환으로 책을 하나 샀어.

I decided to study hard. As part of it, I bought a book.

'Languages > English Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

우린 잘 맞아  (0) 2018.06.19
파일이 깨지다, 읽히지 않는다  (0) 2018.06.19
나는 ~ 유형(타입)의 사람입니다.  (0) 2018.06.19
(밖으로) 나가다  (0) 2018.05.29
방황하다, 길을 잃다. 어리버리 하다.  (0) 2018.05.29
희안하게도  (0) 2018.05.18
벗어나다  (0) 2018.05.16
[9] 적응하다  (0) 2018.05.16
[9] ~가 빠져있다, ~가 남았다(기간 : 2주 남았어)  (0) 2018.05.14
[8] 요지를 파악하다  (0) 2018.05.12

It is strange that S + V

Strangely S + V

내 친구는 예쁜데 희안하게도 남자친구가 없어.

My friend is so pretty but it's strange that she has no boyfriend.

나 많이 먹지도 않는데 이상하게도 살이 안빠져.

I think I don't have a lot of food but it's strange that I can't lose my weight.

S : Hello.

T : Hi, there, Julie. Good morining.

S : Hi. Good Morning teachter.

T : Well. How was your Wednesday?

S : Yesterday? It was a rainy day.

T : Yes. I heard.

S : Today is also raining now.

T : Until now?

S : But It's not a lot.

T : It' not heavier than yesterday.

S : Or hevaier as yesterday. That's right.

S : I met my friends who went to Tiwan. We had dinner for Japanese food.

=> We had Japanese food for dinner.

T : Oh. Wow. Okay. Julie. I heard that in Korea sushi is very expensive, right?

S : I think I depends on Japanese food.

T : I see. Okay. Maybe also depends on the restaurants that you entered.

S : RIght. It depends on restaurant. The restaurant that I went to yesterday was not expensive than I thought.

    We had some sushi, sashimi and some rice.

T : Okay. You have eatting.

S : I'm going on a diet now. I have to had for dinner together.

  => I had to have dinner with my friends.

T : You can't stop or resistant since it makes you happy, right? ---> 

S : But after that.When I arrived at home, I worked out for 20 minutes alone.

T : Before sleeping? Wow, you are very persistent. When it comes to working out.

S : I was exercising while watching Yotube.

T : What times of with you? did you watch yesterday?

S : Do you know the 'miles silence' exercise?

T : 'miles silence' exercise. I've heard of it. I cannot remember the exercise.

S : I heard that exercise is very famous on the internet. I heard she loses her weight a lot.

    There are many videos on the internet.

T : It's effective too.

S : Yes. The work out is mainly to lose leg slim.

    There are various kind of videos on Youtube.

T : That kind of dancing. Is it simular to dancing Jumba I don't know.

S : These videos are personal trainning. Squart, Wide Squarts, Buddy and Bumppy. 

    It is very hard to work out until finish.

T : Let me check. But I can only see pictures.

S : But the video is not long. The adverage It takes about 20 minutes or 10 minutes.

T : That's short.

S : The video that I watched yesterday was just 20 mintes.

    If I finished that, I could lose weight for 200 kcal.

T : That's good. I usually eat that for breakfast. 200 kcal.

S : Is it possible for you to work out before breakfast?

T : No. I do not eat breakfast. but I eat breakfast 200 kcal.

S : I made a decision to work out alone while watching the video once a day.

T : That's good. I hope you are stactive(?) decision. Commitment.

    Thank you so much Julie for telling about that work out.

    Am I does well ?

    Let's be healthy together.

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