Let's just say that ~

A : 오늘 우울해 보인다.
B : 어제 갑자기 인터뷰를 봤는데 떨어졌어.
A : 중요한 교훈을 배웠다고 치자. 열심히 준비하면 꼭 붙을꺼야.

A : You look depressed today.
B : I suddenly had an interview yesterday, I failed it.
A : Let's just say that it was an important lesson to learn. If you preare for it hard, you will pass it.

제가 실수했다고 쳐요.
Let's just say that I made a mistake.

내가 그 게임에서 졌다고 치자.
Let's just say that I lose the game.

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